Rescue, also known as Pepper Potts, is a Marvel Super Heroes minifigure that appears in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Her first physical appearance is in 76144 Avengers Hulk Helicopter Rescue.
In the comics, Pepper Potts also eventually had shrapnel going into her heart, so Tony Stark built her own armor with an electromagnet. It was the 1616th Iron Man armor and Pepper dubbed it "Rescue".
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tony eventually builds the Mark 49 armor meant as gift for Pepper. Dubbing it "Rescue," Pepper arrives at the battle at the Avengers Compound wearing the new armor.
Gallery of Variants[]
- 76144 Avengers Hulk Helicopter Rescue (Avengers: Endgame)
- 76164 Iron Man Hulkbuster versus A.I.M. Agent (Comics)
Video Game Appearances[]