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Arin, still reeling from Lord Ras' attack, believes himself to be seeing hisparents, only for them to turn into Lloyd and Nya. Arin bemoans his failure to stop Ras, while at the Shadow Dojo the Wolf Clan members prepare to enact the Ritual of the Blood Moon. The striking of the Gong of Shattering has an adverse effect on Kai, Wyldfyre, and Sora in their Wolf Mask Warrior disguises, preventing them from releasing the captive Writers of Destiny. Meanwhile Cole, Gandalaria, and Zane arrive atop the Cloud Kingdom and free the other captive Cloud Monks, and then set about trying to prevent the imminent destruction of the flying structure.
Cole employs his Elemental Mech in an effort to prevent the Cloud Kingdom's motor from falling apart. Back at the dojo, Ras and Jordana begin to employ the magic needed to free the Forbidden Five, while Wyldfyre knocks the Wolf Masks off of herself and her friends. Unfortunately, they are then spotted by the Wolf Clan, forcing the three friends into battle with their foes. Worse, Kai is uncertain he has the ability to use Rising Dragon again, so he and Sora deploy theirown Elemental Mechs to fight the Wolf Clan. Sora, in particular, tries to keep Cinder from using Shatterspin against them.
Wyldfyre manages to reach and start freeing the Cloud Monks intended as sacrifices, but the other Wolf Mask Warriors begin to overwhelm Kai and Sora. Jordana is then able to force Bonzle back into spell form, opening the portal to Nether-Space where the Forbidden Five are imprisoned. Kai's mech is taken down by superior numbers, but fortunately Lloyd's party arrives to join the fight. However, Cinder manages to break free of Sora's imprisonment, and the Ninja enter into a game of keep away with Cinder's Wolf Mask to prevent him from using Shatterspin.
The ploy doesn't work for long, however, as Cinder seizes the mask from another Wolf Clan member and promptly unlocks the power of Shatterspin. Once again, he proves indomitable-until Kai manages to use the power of Rising Dragon once again to defend Nya from Cinder's attack. As Kai battles Cinder, who is now on the ropes, Lloyd goes after Ras. Lloyd briefly tries to convince Ras that his efforts are futile with the loss of his sacrifices, but Ras decides that Kai will make a fitting substitute for the Cloud Monks.
Ras knocks Kai through the portal, and a member of the Forbidden Five then emerges in his place. Back on the Cloud Kingdom, Gandalaria helps the Cloud Monks there as Cole desperately tries to prevent the floating mass from falling. Zane hits upon the idea of using Cole's mech as a supporting structure, but it proves too short for the task. As an alternative, Zane asks Gandalaria to hit him with her size-changing spell once again, and the Ninja of Earth and Ice work desperately to save the Cloud Kingdom. Euphrasia, seeing her home in danger of destruction, employs her Elemental Power to slow the Cloud Kingdom's descent and manages to complete the process of saving the falling landmass.
Back at Shadow Dojo, Bonzle begins to resist Jordana's magic, and the Forbidden Five member launches into battle against the Ninja. However, Nya manages to unlock the power of Rising Dragon herself to engage him, while Lloyd is soon caught in yet another of his visions. Remembering Rontu's counsel, he lets the vision overtake him, and through this acceptance is able to use Rising Dragon as well. Bonzle attempts to close the portal to Nether-Space and communicates with Kai, urging him to escape before she completes her task.
Determined to free the rest of the Forbidden Five, Ras goes after Nya, who has temporarily been stunned by the Forbidden Five warrior. Seeing this, Arin snatches up a mech fist and attempts to imbue it with Spinjitzu as he's been able to do on a handful of previous occasions. Sora, meanwhile, employs her Tech power to mimic this effect without a jubilant Arin seeing her do so, though Wyldfyre notices. Ras is knocked back, and Bonzle is able to close the gate, though a bolt of energy strikes Jordana with obvious effect.
Seeing the portal closed and Kai trapped, Nya is horrified, while an enraged Ras calls out to his master. In a huge display of power, the Wolf Clan members and the Shadow Dojo all disappear. As the Blood Moon then descends from the sky, Egalt and Rontu are freed from their petrification, and realize that the Ninja must have succeeded. The Shadow Dojo rematerializes in a new location, and Nokt-the Forbidden Five member-angrily confronts Ras for failing to free his comrades.
Unimpressed, Ras fits the weakened Nokt with a device that allows him to inflict pain on the dark Elemental Master, forcing Nokt to serve him or endure unbearable agony. Ras then turns his attention angrily to a catatonic Jordana, but before he can fully express his displeasure, his master communicates with him once again. Heeding his master's bidding, Ras expresses his intent to succeed in the next phase of their plan: winning the "Tournament of the Sources" and eventually gaining power over the Source Dragons themselves. The remaining Ninja reunite on the Cloud Kingdom, where their success in preventing all of the Forbidden Five escaping is tempered by the loss of Kai and Bonzle.
Despite this, Lloyd commends Arin for his apparent success in stopping Ras, unaware that it was actually Sora who defeated their foe. Meanwhile, in Nether-Space, Kai encounters Bonzle-now back in her skeleton form-and finds her despondent over their confinement. Despite her belief that they have no means of escape, Kai becomes determined that they will find a way home.