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Arin \ Cole \ Lloyd \ Jay \ Kai \ Nya \ Sora \ Zane
Elemental Masters
Acronix \ Ash \ Bolobo \ Chamille \ Cinder \ Euphrasia \ Garmadon \ Gravis \ Griffin Turner \ Jacob Pevsner \ Karlof \ Krux \ Maya \ Morro \ Neuro \ Overlord \ Paleman⊠\ Ray \ Shade \ Skylor \ Tox⊠\ Wu (Dog) \ Wyldfyre
Skulkin (Skeletons)
Samukai \ Bone King \ Bone Guard \ Bone Hunter \ Bone Knight \ Bone Warrior \ Bonezai \ Chopov \ Frakjaw \ Krazi \ Kruncha \ Nuckal \ Scorpion Creature \ Skeleton Dummy \ Skeleton General \ Spykor \ Wyplash
Golden Weapon Guardians: Flame \ Rocky \ Shard \ Wisp Elemental Master Dragons: Cole's Dragon \ Golden Dragon \ Jay's Dragon \ Kai's Dragon \ Master Wu Dragon \ Morro Dragon \ NRG Dragon \ Titanium Dragon Evil Dragons: Boreal \ Ghost Dragons \ Grief-Bringer \ Overlord Mechanical Dragons: Cyber Dragon \ Empire Dragon \ Nindroid MechDragon First Realm Dragons: Firstbourne \ Slab \ Stormbringer The Merge Dragons: Earth Dragon \ Egalt \ Fire Dragon \ Heatwave \ Ice Dragon Creature \ Jiro \ Riyu \ Zanth Source Dragons: Source Dragon of Motion Combination Dragons: Ultra Dragon \ Fusion Dragon \ Golden Ultra Dragon Miscellaneous: Chompy \ Energy Dragon \ Legendary Dragon \ Ninja Dragon \ Nya \ Temple of Celebrations \ Thunder Dragon \ Water Dragon \ Zippy
Serpentine (Snakes)
Anacondrai: Pythor P. Chumsworth \ Chop'rai \ Eyezorai \ Kapau'rai Hypnobrai: Skales \ Slithraa \ Mezmo \ Rattla \ Temple of Celebrations Fangpyre: Fangtom \ Fangdam \ Fang-Suei \ Snappa Constrictai: Skalidor \ Bytar \ Chokun \ Snike Venomari: Acidicus \ Lizaru \ Snake Villain \ Spitta \ Lasha Vermillion: Blunck \ Buffmillion \ Machia \ Raggmunk \ Rivett \ Slackjaw \ Tannin \ Vermin Pyro Vipers: Aspheera \ Char \ Destroyer \ Slayer \ Whipper Snake Warriors: Boa Destructor \ Cobra Mechanic \ Python Dynamite \ Viper Flyer Giant Snakes: Fire Fang \ Great Devourer
Statues and Spirits
Colossus \ Kodokuna Yang Statue \ Lilly Statue \ Mister Chen Statue \ Stone Army (General Kozu \ Giant Stone Warrior \ Swordsman \ Warrior \ Scout) \ Stone Golem \ Spirit of the Temple \ Vermillion Statue \ Zane Statue
Auto \ Cyber Dragon \ Echo Zane \ Falcon \ Nindroids (General Cryptor \ Min-Droid \ Mr. E \ Mister F \ Nindroid Drone \ Nindroid MechDragon \ Nindroid Warrior \ Recon Nindroid \ White Nindroid) \ P.I.X.A.L. \ Pixal Bot \ Samurai Droid \ Scoop \ Sweep\ Tai-D \ Sky Pirate Training Droid \ Wu Bot \ Zane
Anacondrai Cultists
Master Chen \ Chope \ Clouse \ Eyezor \ Kapau \ Krait \ Sleven \ Zugu
Ghost Warriors
Morro \ Kodokuna Yang \ Bansha \ Ghoultar \ Ghost Ninja \ Ghost Student \ Ghost Warrior \ Howla \ Pitch \ Skreemer \ Soul Archer \ Wail \ Wooo \ Wrayth
Sky Pirates
Nadakhan \ Bucko \ Clancee \ Cyren \ Doubloon \ Flintlocke \ Monkey Wretch \ Sqiffy \ Dogshank \ Foot Soldiers \ Sky Pirate Training Droid
Shark Army
Angler \ Crusher \ Crusty \ Four Eyes \ General No. 1 \ Great White \ Gunner \ GPL Tech \ Hammer Head \ Jelly \ Mike the Spike \ Octopus \ Omar \ Private Puffer \ Puffer \ Steve \ Thug
Sons of Garmadon
Emperor Garmadon \ Harumi \ Buffer \ Chopper Maroon \ Killow \ Luke Cunningham \ Mohawk \ Mr. E \ Nails \ Sawyer \ Scooter \ Skip Vicious \ Ultra Violet
Other Realms
First Realm: Dragon Hunters (Iron Baron \ Arkade \ Chew Toy \ Daddy No Legs \ Heavy Metal \ Hunter \ Jet Jack \ Muzzle \ Nitro \ Skullbreaker \ Talon) \ Oni (Mystake \ The Omega) Imperium: Empress Beatrix \ Rapton \ Imperium Claw General \ Imperium Claw Hunter \ Imperium Droid \ Imperium Guard \ Imperium Guard Commander \ Photac Beast Never-Realm: Blizzard Samurai (Ice Emperor \ General Vex \ Archer \ Sword Master \ Warrior) \ Formlings (Akita) Wyldness: Lord Ras \ Chima CharactersâŠ
Prime Empire
Unagami \ Unagami's Minions (Avatar Harumi \ Hausner \ Red Visors \ Richie \ Sushimi) \ Prime Empire NPCs (Okino \ Racer Seven)
Awakened Warrior \ Geckles (Ginkle \ Gleck) \ Hazza D'ur \ Mino \ Munce (Moe \ Murt) \ Sky Folk (Skull Sorcerer \ Vania)
Endless Sea
The Keepers (Chief Mammatus \ Poulerik \ Rumble Keeper \ Thunder Keeper) \ Merlopians (Kalmaar \ Benthomaar \ Glutinous \ Maaray Guard) \ Tiger Widow \ Wojira
Vengestone Army
Crystal King \ Aspheera \ Harumi \ The Mechanic \ Mr. F \ Pythor \ Vangelis \ Crystal Beast \ Crystal Spider \ Vengestone Brute \ Vengestone Guard \ Vengestone Warrior
Wolf Clan
Lord Ras \ Cinder \ Jordana \ Wolf Mask General \ Wolf Mask Guard \ Wolf Mask Warrior
Captain Soto's Crew (Captain Soto) \ The Mechanic's Gang (The Mechanic \ Cece) \ Miss Demeanor \ Ronin
Baby \ Baker \Betsy \ Blacksmith \ Bleckt \ Boat Vendor \ Borg Store Employee \ Chad \ Chan Kong-Sang \ Christina \ Circus Clown⊠\ Claire \ Cyrus Borg \ Dareth \ Ed Walker \ Edna Walker \ Eileen \ Explorer's Club (Clutch Powers⊠\ Misako) \ Fred Finley \ Gong and Guitar Rocker \ Gayle Gossip \ Guy \ Hai \ Ham \ Henry \ Ivy Walker \ Jamanakai Villager \ Jesper \ Juno \ Kaito \ Konrad \ Kryptarium Guard \ Lauren \ Mei \ Motorcycle Mechanic⊠\ Lil' Nelson \ Nancy \ Ninja Apprentice \ Ninjago Police (Hounddog McBrag \ Officer Noonan \ Officer Toque) \ Ninjago Royal Family (Harumi \ Hutchins) \ Nobu \ Nomis \ N-POP Girl \ Panda Guy⊠\ Pat \ Patty Keys \ Postman \ Ray \ Roby \ Rufus McCallister \ Runde \ Runje \ Runme \ Sally \ Scott \ Sea Captain ⊠\ Severin Black \ Shen-Li \ Street Vendor \ Sushi Chef \ Sushimi Chef \ Takuma \ Tea Vendor \ Temple Guard \ Tito \ Tommy \ Torben \ Vinny Folson
Nonphysical Ninja
Bizarro Ninja \ Fuchsia Ninja \ League of Jay \ New Ninja \ Phantom Ninja \ Seliel \ Time Ninja
Nonphysical Elemental Masters
First Spinjitzu Master \ Cole's Grandfather \ Emperor Levo \ Forbidden Five \ Geo \ Jay's Mother \ Lar \ Lilly \ Master of Amber \ Master of Gravity \ Master of Ice \ Master of Light \ Master of Shadow \ Master of Sound \ Nyad \ Skylor's Mother \ Zeatrix
Nonphysical Skeletons
Bonzle \ Sergeant Mazu \ Skeleton Trooper
Nonphysical Dragons
Bandit \ First Realm Fire Dragon \ First Realm Ice Dragon \ First Realm Wind Dragon \ Golden Legend Dragon \ Legendary Dragon clones \ Nya's Dragon (Lightning-Water Dragon) \ Other Elemental Dragons \ Rontu \ Source Dragons (Energy \ Life \ Strength) \ Stormbringer's offspring \ Three Mountains dragons (Dragon Matriarch)
Nonphysical Serpentine (Snakes)
Anacondrai Serpent \ Arcturus \ Captain Oroku \ General Shen \ Hantro \ Ice Serpent \ King Mambo \ Mikloshe \ Selma \ Skales Jr. \ Spitz
Nonphysical Robots
Caregiver \ Coffee Bot \ Juggernaut \ Lobbo \ P.I.X.A.L.'s sisters \ Robo Usher 3000 \ Robot Dogs \ Security Bots \ Sweeper
Nonphysical Shark Army
Angler General \ Asimov \ Crustacean General \ Hammerhead General \ Narwhal Soldier \ Puffer General \ Red Beret General \ Terri
Nonphysical Other Realms
Cloud Kingdom: Writers of Destiny (Fenwick \ Marcus \ Nobu \ Suetonius) \ Nimbus Cursed Realm: The Preeminent Djinjago: Djinn (Khanjikhan \ Arrakore) \ Howlers Mysterium: Gandalaria Never-Realm: Fritz \ Frost Wolves \ Grimfax \ Ice Behemoth \ Ice Bird \ Ice Fishers \ Kataru \ Krag Imperium: Ana's Dad \ Ana's Mom \ Dr. LaRow \ Emperor Levo \ Mr. Koenig \ ITPF (Percival Tartigrade) \ Zeatrix Kingdom of Madness: Administration \ Craglings \ Mud Monsters Wyldness:: Lava-Tides Undetermined: Mucoids (Grab-Barg \ Tope-Epot \ Zant-Tanz)
Nonphysical Prime Empire
Ballistic Missiles \ Brotherhood of Rats (Atta the Ratta \ Targle) \ Chrome Domes \ Drones \ Shifty \ Sushimi's staff
Nonphysical Shintaro
Chancellor Gulch \ Dire Bats \ Engelbert \ Garpo \ Geo \ Lava Monster \ Murtessa \ Rock Turtle \ Shintaro Royal Guard \ The Upply
Nonphysical Endless Sea
Crab Monster \ Fangfish \ Fedulian \ Geotomic Rock Monster \ Gripe \ King Trimaar \ Leviathan \ Ripper Sharks
Nonphysical Creatures
Alien Bugs \ Grundal \ The One Who is Many \ Sand Eel \ Shadow Army \ Treehorn
Nonphysical criminals
Cardinsto \ Cruel Lord \ Cruel Lord's guards \ Dilara \ Dorama \ Fugi-Dove \ Gahrann the Dreamer \ Hibiki \ Kirchonn the Invincible \ Quartet of Villains \ Reflectra \ Ronin Goon
Nonphysical civilians
Antonia \ Arin's Dad \ Arin's Mom \ Ben Shephard \ Brad Tudabone \ Cecil Putnam \ Dan Vaapit \ Dr. Julien \ Dwayne \ Emperor of Ninjago \ Empress of Ninjago \ Gene \ Intelligent George \ Jake \ Kate Garraway \ Kreel \ Mayor Trustable \ Michael Strahan \ Milton Dyer \ Mr. Frohicky \ Mrs. R \ Newt \ Ninja-Fan Infinity \ Prison Guard \ Robin Roberts \ Royal Blacksmiths \ Royal Guard \ Sally's family \ Spinjitzu-for-Days99 \ Timothy Batterson \ Warden Noble
âŠFrom other themes