The Squid Launcher is a weapon used by several bad characters in the BIONICLE story. It is a device that shoots small squids, which in the BIONICLE universe, are vampiric. In the sets, the squid is fired by pulling back on the squid's tail and releasing. The squids in the LEGO set are made out of rubber, thus being sticky. Squid launchers were included in the Barraki sets, and 8940 Karzahni.
LEGO Weapons | |
System: | Blade Arm | Bow and Arrow | Crossbow | Cutlass | Dagger of Time | Flail | Flintlock Pistol | Gladius | Glaive | Greatsword | Halberd | Lightsaber Hilt | Lightsaber | Longbow | Musket | Revolver | Rapier | Ray Gun | Scimitar | Shuriken | Spear | Spike Arm | Star Wars Gun (long) | Star Wars Gun (short) | Sword / Katana | Trident |
TECHNIC: | Cordak Blaster | Kanoka Disk Launcher | Meteor Blaster | Midak Skyblaster | Nynrah Ghost Blaster | Squid Launcher | Thornax Launcher |