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The Elemental Mechs is a series of Ninjago: Dragons Rising shorts released in 2024.


Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

What the Mech?

What the Mech

Kai holds a dubious "training" session with Arin and Sora while Lloyd is absent: riding a meditation carpet down a large slide. They are surprised when Cole arrives atop an Earth Dragon with news of a dangerous shipment that even includes Chronosteel, a substance that, as the older Ninja explain, can hold Elemental Power. Arin soon deduces that Kreel must have brought the items into her junkyard, and the four Ninja head to the Crossroads to try and prevent her from selling anything potentially hazardous. They are right to be concerned, as two of the items not only send one of her Whack Rats flying, but also cause would be customer Lobbo to grow to a massive size and begin rampaging angrily around the junkyard.

Seeking a means of stopping the robot without harming him, Sora stumbles across some Chronosteel and uses her powers to form it and other components into large disks. These, when activated by Cole, Kai, and herself, transform into a trio of Elemental Mechs. Using the mechanized vehicles, they are able to restrain Lobbo, and Arin is able to reason with the angry robot and convince him to let them help. Sora then repurposes an energy projecting device into a siphon and drains Lobbo of the power that caused his transformation and rampage. With Lobbo back to normal, the Ninja quickly confiscate the rest of Kreel's new merchandise before she can attempt to sell it to anyone else.

The Mech Master

The Mech Master

Arin, Cole, Kai, Nya, Riyu, and Sora visit the Crossroads, with Cole and Kai enjoying one of Grab-Barg’s pies to Arin’s chagrin. Sora consoles him over his recurring annual loss to the Mucoid chef by noting that at least he never fails to enter the pie-baking competition. Sora, meanwhile, is lamenting her own failure to register for the Mech Master 5000 they are going to spectate, though Arin attempts to assuage her by noting the heroism that’s been keeping them occupied.

Unbeknownst to the Ninja, their old foe the Mechanic is also in town and interested in the race. More specifically, he’s interested in the four competing mechs, which he first disables and then takes control of with a pair of his devices. As the pilots bail out and the Mechanic takes off with his new prizes, the Ninja leap into action. Nya, Arin, and one of the stolen mechs are quickly taken out of the pursuit, with Arin landing at Grab-Barg’s pie stand.

Cole, Kai, and Sora quickly employ their own mechs, only to have them broken up by a charge from the Mechanic’s remaining mechs. However, the mechs remain operable and display the ability to swap limbs with one another to become fully functional again. Sora is thus able to pursue the Mechanic while Kai and Cole, to their delight, are able to use each other’s powers by way of their mechs’ swapped parts to defeat the other two mechs. Though the Mechanic knocks Sora off a bridge, she is able to catch up to him by flying and take down his final mech. With victory achieved, the Ninja-including Arin-enjoy some more of Grab-Barg’s pies, though Arin’s enjoyment is marred when Sora declares the pie “the best [she’s] ever tasted” before hastily correcting that to “second best.”

A Pain in the Mech!

A Pain in the Mech

At the monastery, a baffled Lloyd confronts Arin, Cole, Kai, Riyu, and Sora, who are all covered in noodles. After warning him-rather unnecessarily-that the explanation for their current state is weird, they launch into it. The group had apparently gone to the Crossroads' Noodle Cook-Off, competitors of which included a group of Lava-Tides. The event was unexpectedly interrupted by an attacking pair of Ice Dragons, prompting Cole, Kai, and Sora to deploy their new mechs.

The situation was complicated by the aggressiveness of the Lava-Tides, who became involved in the scuffle at the insistence of their chef leader. Fortunately, the three Ninja were able to subdue both dragons and living rocks by swapping the limbs of their mechs and thus being able to share the vehicles' capabilities. Arin, meanwhile, noticed that the Lava-Tide chef seemed concerned about a crate of ingredients, which proved to be a clutch of three Ice Dragon eggs. Unfortunately, during the confrontation with the Lava-Tide chef over this, he accidentally caused a nearby stove to overheat and explode, scattering noodles all over the area.

Back in the present, Arin notes that they returned the eggs to the parent dragons. Sora notes that, regrettably, there's still quite a mess to be cleaned up, though the explosion unexpectedly created a delicious blend of noodles. Lloyd, however, is dissatisfied about one particular aspect of their explanation: they were supposed to bring him back some lunch too but have failed to do so.

Spoilers end here.

