Vixen, also known as Amaya Jiwe, is a DC Universe Super Heroes minifigure that is based on the TV show DC's Legends of Tomorrow. It was given away exclusively at 2017 San Diego Comic Con.
Amaya Jiwe was the grandmother of the second Vixen Mari McCabe, and was a former member of The Justice Society of America in the year 1942. She joined the Legends after her lover and then-JSA leader Rex Tyler was murdered by Eobard Thawne / Reverse Flash. During the mission, Amaya eventually fell in love with Legends member Nate Heywood, better known as Steel. Although her ties to Mari were not mentioned, Ray Palmer later confirmed that she was Mari's grandmother.
- This version of Vixen is the second minifigure whose Legends of Tomorrow variant was given away as part of the raffle, the other being The Atom.
- This character is an original creation made exclusively for the "Arrowverse".
- Amaya's actress Maisie Richardson-Sellers also played Korr Sella in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.